Lake Tahoe Collaborative
October 14, 2013

1. 1:00pm Welcome

Review the minutes from the September 9th meeting.

2. Introductions and Announcements from Agencies

Members are encouraged to share new program or staff changes, important dates, and other pertinent information to the Collaborative.

3. Special Discussion: “Parent Engagement Presentation”
At the June Retreat, the LTC members requested a Parent Engagement Presentation from FRC and Tahoe Youth. Please give your input to both agencies on what you would like to be presented at a future meeting.

4. Special Discussion: “LTC Partnership MOU Update”
Follow up conversation on one page document, attached.

5. Special Discussion: “Renew Domain Name?”

The domain name will expire in November. Renewal is $35/year.
I don’t see any traffic to the site. Should we have a Facebook page instead or in addition?

6. Special Presentation: “Foster Family and Adoption Services Update”

Megan Ciampa, MSW
Foster Family and Adoption Services
(530) 544-2111

7. 2:30 pm Adjourn & Drug Free Communities Meeting cancelled. DFC Meetings will resume in November.

8. Next LTC meeting November 11, 2013, 1-2:30pm.